Core i5-8500 is a 64-bit hexa-core mid-range performance x86 desktop microprocessor introduced by Intel in early 2018. This processor, which is based on the Coffee Lake microarchitecture, is manufactured on Intels 3rd generation enhanced 14nm++ process. The i5-8500 operates at a 3 GHz with a TDP of 65 W and a Turbo Boost frequency of up to 4.1 GHz. This chip supports up to 64 GiB of dual-channel DDR4-2666 memory and incorporates Intels UHD Graphics 630 IGP operating at 350 MHz with a burst frequency of 1.10 GHz. A special variant of this model, called Core i5+ i5-8500 means it is part of a system equipped with Optane memory. Those models have part numbers BO80684I58500 and BOC80684I58500 and sell for $235. That variant was discontinued on January 14, 2019, with last order being September 30, 2018, and last shipment December 27, 2018.
当店はPCパーツ・周辺機器・ドローン周辺を販売する専門ショップです。DRONE POWER TECHNOLOGIESは、日本国内のみならず、海外からの輸入でもできるだけ短納期にて出荷できるよう常に心がけております。当店サイト上に表示されていなくてもお取り寄せ可能な商品もございますので、お問い合わせいただければと存じます。なお、追跡番号付の国際便または国内便で発送しております。
Core i5-8500 is a 64-bit hexa-core mid-range performance x86 desktop microprocessor introduced by Intel in early 2018. This processor, which is based on the Coffee Lake microarchitecture, is manufactured on Intels 3rd generation enhanced 14nm++ process. The i5-8500 operates at a 3 GHz with a TDP of 65 W and a Turbo Boost frequency of up to 4.1 GHz. This chip supports up to 64 GiB of dual-channel DDR4-2666 memory and incorporates Intels UHD Graphics 630 IGP operating at 350 MHz with a burst frequency of 1.10 GHz.
A special variant of this model, called Core i5+ i5-8500 means it is part of a system equipped with Optane memory. Those models have part numbers BO80684I58500 and BOC80684I58500 and sell for $235. That variant was discontinued on January 14, 2019, with last order being September 30, 2018, and last shipment December 27, 2018.
商品到着後 1週間以内に限り、初期不良による返品を受け付けます。
1. 日本向け特急便(佐川急便配送)のご利用で商品到着には一週間から10日間かかっております。
2. 国際eパケットのご利用で商品到着には2週間から1ヶ月間かかっております。